4285 South Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80110

Hours: Tuesday thru Friday: 11AM to 6PM - Saturday: 11AM to 5PM
( 7 Blocks South of Hampden; 6 Blocks North of Belleview )

( Broadway & Quincy )
Serving the Denver area for over 37 years...

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  Gold Sound Understands Value...
All equipment is selected upon a quality to value ratio weighted towards very good quality and a good price.
We're proud of what we sell... Unlike big box stores, we offer personal service and no hassle sales.


SAVE! We have many new DALI speakers, 20% off with 5 year warranty, plus FYNE speakers, 33% off with 7 year warranty. We're open Tues.-Fri., 11-6, Sat. 11-5. We have over 50 different new & vintage turntable models in stock from 20 manufacturers. New turntables include PRO-JECT & REGA, both made in Europe with 3 year warranties. All our turntables include diamond needle cartridges & many have wood bases. Vintage turntables include TECHNICS, THORENS, MARANTZ, PIONEER, DUAL & more.

We have over 90 different new & vintage speaker models in stock from 34 manufacturers. New speakers include PSB, DALI, YAMAHA & FYNE. Most of our new speakers have 5 year warranties. Fyne speakers have won rave reviews from STEREOPHILE & ABSOLUTE SOUND & have 7 year warranties. Vintage speakers include KLIPSCH, INFINITY, B&W, JBL, B&O, BOSE, BOSTON ACOUSTICS, DEF TECH & ANTHONY GALLO. We have new & used towers, bookshelf, centers & subwoofers.

We have many new & vintage amps & receivers in stock. New stereo amps include YAMAHA, ROTEL, PARASOUND & MARANTZ, plus tube PRIMA LUNA & BLACK ICE stereo amps. We stock YAMAHA & MARANTZ AV receivers.

Our many vintage stereo amps and receivers include MARANTZ, McINTOSH, PIONEER, YAMAHA, SANSUI, KENWOOD, PHASE LINEAR, NAKAMICHI and SONY. We have power, pre & integrated amps in stock. Vintage tube amps include McINTOSH, FISHER, DYNACO, SCOTT, HARMAN-KARDON, EICO, HEATH and PILOT.

We have over 20 different vintage reel-reels & cassettes decks. Reel-reels include TEAC, TASCAM, PIONEER, SONY, REVOX, AKAI, ROBERTS & SANSUI, 10" & & 7" models, in wood cases. Cassettes include NAKAMICHI, PIONEER, TANDBERG and KENWOOD.

We stock PRO-JECT T1, A1, DEBUT CARBON EVO and DEBUT PRO turntables. A1 and T1 include an ORTOFON OM5 cartridge. T1 with a glass platter is our most affordable turntable made in Europe & is reduced from $450 to $399. T1 phono SB with a built-in phono preamp is reduced $51, from $500 to $449. The A1 is PRO-JECT's only automatic & includes a phono preamp. All our vintage 'tables & recorders look & work great, have been refurbished & have 100 day parts/labor warranties & 100% trade-ins.

Recently customers bought turntables, receivers, amps, tape decks, subs, speakers, etc. The only parts we sell are new home stereo cables, new GRADO headphones, new ORTOFON, GRADO & SUMIKO phono cartridges & needles. We only work on units bought here: new speakers, new turntables & vintage audio. Call us at 303 789-5310.

For many years Prima Luna has been the most popular & best reviewed affordable tube amps. Gold Sound is Denver's only dealer for JOLIDA / BLACK ICE tube amps & SPENDOR speakers made in England. As a LUXMAN dealer, we display PD151 turntable, which received a rave review in 12/21 ABSOLUTE SOUND. It has 33/45/78rpm and pitch control.


Dali is one of Europe's leading speaker manufacturers, earning the praise of STEREOPHILE, ABSOLUTE SOUND, WHAT HI-FI and more for quality construction, outstanding sound and tremendous value. Engineering features include wood pulp midrange & woofer cones; ribbon tweeters for extended, smooth treble, plus soft dome tweeters with a sweeter sound than common metal tweeters; precision -engineered crossovers and well-braced, Danish furniture quality cabinetry. We're Colorado's only dealer with affordable Spektors from $499/pair, the high value Oberons, plus the made in Denmark Opticon & Rubicon models.

Headphones make great gifts and can have far better sound than much more expensive speakers. We have Grado's most popular headphones, SR60, SR80, SR125, SR225, SR325 and RS2x with walnut and leather, all in stock. For 70 years, Grado has built great cartridges & headphones in New York. Grado headphones are highly rated by STEREOPHILE, ABSOLUTE SOUND & the leading consumer magazine. The only headphones rated a "BEST BUY" are GRADO SR60 & SR80, above far more expensive Bose, NAD, Oppo, Shure & Audeze models. Top-rated Grado SR325 & SR225 outperform more costly Bose and B&W.


All look & sound great, have gold RCA inputs, double banana 4/8 ohm speaker outputs, Integrated amps & preamps have line stage inputs only.


3 year warranty, point-point wiring, auto tube bias, removable steel tube cage. Preamps & integrateds include an aluminum remote control. Integrateds include a tube 1/4" headphone jack & RCA tape outputs.

EVO400, 70W/ch Stereo Integrated amp, EL34/6CA7 tubes, $5499

EVO 100 Stereo Preamp, dual mono

DARED MARS integrated hybrid, speaker & pre out, Bluetooth, 25W/ch, USB, headphone list $540, demo $389


Speakers are by far the most important part of any system. Since there are far more speaker brands than all sound electronics combined [amps, receivers, servers, etc.] choosing the right speakers can seem like a daunting task. First, bring a well-recorded LP, CD, etc. that you know well to test speakers. Ideally the recording should have voice & piano or other acoustic instruments.

Listen for each instrument, individually & together. Accurate speakers let you hear everyone. Each instrument & voice should sound natural & not be over emphasized. The tone should be natural without sounding boomy or shrill. With a good recording on good speakers, the performers will seem to be left, center & right, plus three dimensionally placed in front or back of each other. Rather than sounding like the music is trapped in the box, a better speaker has three-dimensional imaging.

Unfortunately, some stores want to make the selection difficult. Each part of the system should be in a compatible price range. Ideally, speakers will cost about half of the entire system price. We use $300 to $500 amps to demonstrate $500 to $1000 speakers. Some stores use amps or receivers that cost ten times more than the speakers.

Some stores use an expensive sub with budget speakers, so the speakers sound far more impressive than they really are. Unfortunately, these stores won't mention that a high-priced amp or sub is on. Often despite repeated requests, they won't let you hear speakers without the sub or mega amps.

Some stores turn up the bass or turn on the loudness control to boost bass without informing the customer. Each speaker should play at the same volume. Otherwise, people prefer the louder speaker. The same music passage should be heard on each speaker. Some stores will play more exciting music on the speakers that they most want to sell.

We never use these deceptive practices. Often when we play our small speakers that have good bass, customers ask to hear them without a sub. I'll smile & show how we don't even have a sub in this room. Since our speakers are proven values, we don't need to mislead anyone.

Gold Sound continues as Colorado's only dealer still dedicated to high quality, high value sound. After reading e other stores' ads, it might seem that the only sound equipment is five, seven & nine channel AV receivers or "whole house" systems with mediocre sound in every room.

We have affordable systems that sound great. We have many new amps with phono preamps, plus new $500/pair speakers that are quick, dynamic & image well. We have new automatic turntables with diamond needles & preamps built-in from $149. We stock 20 new turntables, including Pro-Ject, Rega, Denon & Audio-Technica. We have new U.S. or European made Grado & Ortofon diamond needle phono cartridges from $99.

We have many under $200 used receivers with phono preamps. We have used vintage U.S. made tube amps with phono preamps from Dynaco, Fisher, Scott, Eico & Heath. We have many used speakers under $300/pair. It is difficult to find other stores with this equipment.

We have the Rega Planar 3 turntable. This great value is made in England & highly recommended by STEREOPHILE & ABSOLUTE SOUND in the same class as far more expensive models. WHAT HIFI awarded this turntable PRODUCT of the YEAR & calls it the single best value of all turntables.

STEREOPHILE recommends over 60 of our products. Focal 906 is highly recommended by ABSOLUTE SOUND. DENVER POST South Hub section had a full page about Gold Sound, including three color photos, "Quality Sound is Music to the Ears." STEREOPHILE & ABSOLUTE SOUND rank the best audio values with over 100 recommendations for equipment we carry, including Marantz, Ortofon, Parasound Halo, Prima Luna, Pro-ject, Rega, Rotel, Grado, Sumiko, Dali, Fyne, Spendor & more.

We have more customers than many much larger stores that heavily advertise. Thanks to your support, we stay very busy. Here's some recent customer comments.

"At last, I've found a real store."
"Gold Sound is the only store to buy from."
"You're real friendly and consumer-oriented."
"You're the value-performance leader."
"Other high end stores just want to take my money & won't speak to me afterwards. You are always helpful."
"Thanks for keeping the vinyl love alive! I'm going to stop there to peruse through your LPs."
"Your willingness to teach me about taking care of my records and my turntable made a great impression on me and I'd love to keep going to you guys for my analog needs!"
"Every other store won't give me the time of day. You actually help people."
"I've never heard sound so clear."
"Am I glad we found you. We bought this today & will be back to buy more."
"You're the first person I've spoken to who understands in your heart & brain what I need. Why did I waste my time at other places?"
"It's great to find a high-end store without the attitude. You're very knowledgeable."
"I've gone to many other stores, but only buy here, since you have the sound & values."
"You're the only place in Colorado with a good selection of stereo & home theater equipment."
"You're a smaller shop & more focussed on customer satisfaction than any big box store."
"I went from Fort Collins to Denver to Colorado Springs visiting every audio shop. I was so impressed with your speakers that I bought two pairs. There's no speaker for this kind of money that can beat them."
"They are very experienced & knowledgeable in audio, not like some short timer at a box store. They took their time to determine what would work best for me & didn't seem driven to getting the largest sale they could. I'm very happy with my purchase & how it has worked. I highly recommend Gold Sound."
"It is so nice to hear all of the music again. You did an outstanding job of repairing my set! I will be back soon. Thank you so much for everything." J.H.

STEREOPHILE recommends Parasound & Prima Luna amps, plus many of our bookshelf & tower speakers. ABSOLUTE SOUND, said "Gold Sound simply had too many turntables to even begin to judge them. Rega, Thorens, Pro-Ject - the list is seemingly endless. It sure looked awesome & offered further testament to the boom in vinyl." At the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, listeners regularly exclaimed, "Your $6000 system sounds better than others for $20,000." Stereophile had two paragraphs on Gold Sound's display.

For 47 years, customers looking for the best values in new & used home stereo equipment, home theater & pro audio have come to Gold Sound. Over 253,000 people have seen our website. Customers include people in all 50 states & about 50 nations, plus many government & corporate customers, including NASA, Disney, Lockheed & Boeing.

Our Stereo Stone Base is a 1.2" thick, 30 pound custom machined granite slab with vibration absorbing feet. The stones look beautiful & improve the sound of turntables, The imaging, coherence, clarity & detail all improved. Using two European turntables, from 25 to 250hz, we measured over 10db reduction of acoustic feedback. At many frequencies, there was a 15db reduction.

Ron 3/5/25

Visitors since Jan 2001
Copyright © 2008 GoldSound, Inc.


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