
Gold Sound VS Big Box Stores |
We're open Tuesday-Friday, 11-6, Saturday 11-5. Recently customers bought home turntables, receivers, amps, tape decks, subs, speakers, etc. The only parts we sell are new home stereo cables, new Grado headphones, new Ortofon & Grado phono cartridges & needles. We only work on units bought here: new speakers, new turntables & vintage audio. Call us at 303 789-5310. Thanks for your support for over 45 years.
CHECK OUT GOLD SOUND'S MANY ADVANTAGES CONSUMER REPORTS, SOUND & VISION ABSOLUTE SOUND and other leading magazines all recommend independent dealers over big box stores. "Personal attention is something big box stores or internet sellers can't offer," ABSOLUTE SOUND. "You have to visit a true specialty store to get better, in-depth advice," HOME THEATER.
CONSUMER REPORTS rated independent dealers above all big box stores in 5 essential areas:
Selection, Product Quality, Shopping Ease, Checkout Speed and Customer Attention. Walmart was rated the worst. Walmart received no ratings above average. Best Buy wasn't much better.
J.D. Powers rated independent stores much better than big box stores. Big box stores didn't have basic product knowledge. "A third of Kmart sales people didn't know what HDMI was or which cables provide better picture quality." At a big box store I asked to see an FM tuner; instead I was shown an amp power supply. I asked to see a power amp, but was shown a receiver.
Our prices are usually the same or lower and our selection is larger. Their sales people refer customers to us, since we carry products that they do not: better stereo, home theater, turntables and quality used equipment.
The most important benefit we provide doesn't cost you anything, our knowledge and experience. People at Gold Sound are university-educated in electronics and acoustics; designed speakers and electronics; built speakers and electronics; and have written about electronics for national magazines. NASA, Boeing, Lockheed-Martin and other major corporations specified Gold Sound designed equipment.
TWICE [This Week In Consumer Electronics] said, "Walmart is limited in product depth and selection. Consumers like wider variety and that's not feasible with Walmart. Walmart displays AV speakers in front, precluding true surround-sound. Walmart's Durabrand [house-brand] couldn't deliver the latest technology as quickly as top suppliers. Digital technology moves too fast and it put Walmart in the position of buying last year's technology. Top brands are stronger because they deliver technology. Walmart moved away from Durabrand to lower return rates. It would have been a disaster." Walmart made its consumer electronics departments smaller to give clothing more space, reflecting its declining electronics sales.
HOME THEATER shopped 9 N.Y., Colorado, California, etc. big box stores. "Their demeanors quickly sank to the level of cold oatmeal. Demo rooms sound awful." Big box stores have walls of speakers, but none are hooked up. Many big box stores prefer to sell lesser brands with short warranties, since they want to sell overpriced extended warranties that consumer magazines call a scam. A big box store salesman said, "I almost feel sorry for the customers. They just want to buy a TV, but my job is selling expensive cables and warranties."
Often salesmen are paid only on commission, but not paid if they sell the cheapest advertised equipment, encouraging bait and switch. Often the least expensive advertised items are not even stocked, or the store has only one or two, since they're the bait to lure in customers who are switched to far more expensive products. When a customer asked for a good stereo receiver, a big box store recommended an AV receiver. But there's no phono input which the customer asked for. Here we have many stereo receivers and amps with a phono input, and 2 year warranties. Some big box stores don't have anything with phono inputs. Many big box store
receivers only have a year warranty. Often our prices are lower than big box stores.
We have a wider selection in many categories. While some big box stores only sell one turntable, we have 15 on display and more in stock. We have many tube and solid state integrated amps, preamps and power amps. Most big box stores don't have these.
Many Gold Sound products have a 3 year warranty; some have a 5 or 7 year warranty, no charge.
Most of our turntables, cartridges and headphones are made in the U.S. or Europe. At Big Box stores, almost everything is from China. When you buy at a local store, your money stays in your own community, supporting your neighbors and your town.
Here's some recent customer comments.
"Very experienced & knowledgeable, not like some short timer at a box store. They took their time to determine what would work best for my situation and didn't seem to be driven to getting the largest sale they could. I'm very happy with my purchase and how it has worked for me. I highly recommend Gold Sound."
"You have the best store - new equipment from budget to high end, stereo & home theater. You're the only place to shop."
"At last, I've found a real store."
"Gold Sound is the only store to buy from."
"You're real friendly and consumer-oriented."
"I've never heard sound so clear."
"Am I glad we found you. We bought this today and will be back to buy more."
"You're the first person I've spoken to who understands in your heart and brain what I need. Why did I waste my time at other places?"
"It's great to find a high-end store without the attitude. You're very knowledgeable."
"I've gone to many other stores, but only buy here, since you have the sound and values."
"You're the only place in Colorado with a good selection of stereo and home theater equipment." "You're more focused on customer satisfaction than any big box store."
"I went from Fort Collins to Denver to Colorado Springs visiting every audio shop. I was so impressed with your speakers I bought two pairs. There's no speaker for this kind of money that can beat them."
This Page Last Updated 1/8/22
Visitors since Jan 2001

Copyright © 2006 GoldSound, Inc.
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